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Organization Profile
The Garden Club of Nashville / Weed Wrangle Nashville
Weed Wrangle®-Nashville is a one-day, citywide volunteer effort to help rescue our public parks and green spaces from invasive species through hands-on removal of especially harmful trees, vines and flowering plants. Weed Wrangle®-Nashville volunteers will learn, practice, and begin a habit of maintaining an area free of invasive plants, including bush honeysuckle, Chinese privet, autumn olive, English ivy, and winter creeper. By engaging our neighbors and challenging them to take action in their own spaces, we hope to create a movement that will have the greatest impact on the invasive plant population in the Nashville area. Weed Wrangle®-Nashville is a Partners for Plants joint habitat restoration program of the Garden Club of America’s Conservation and Horticulture Committees. The Garden Club of Nashville is a member of The Garden Club of America.