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GeekCause is a completely different way to volunteer.
By sharing your tech expertise and a bit of your time, you can build capacity for local organizations working hard to meet the most pressing needs in our community. Most GeekCause projects are completed collaboratively and on a flexible schedule by individuals or small teams working remotely.
Sign up as a GeekCause volunteer
What's it like to be a GeekCause volunteer?
What skills are needed?
There's a wide variety of tech skills that can be extremely valuable to an organization troubleshooting an issue.
I'm in. What now?
Hands On's GeekCause team will let you know when there's a project available that fits your unique skillset, and you get to decide based on the project description and your schedule whether you want to help. It starts by letting us know you'd like to get involved.
Express interest in being a GeekCause volunteer here
Log your skills in your volunteer profile here
Volunteering is a great way to strengthen teams
Companies are looking for creative ways to give back to the community, and GeekCause is a great way to do that. Bring together a tech-forward employee team to collaboratively solve new challenges that will have a direct impact in the lives of Middle Tennesseans. Click the link below to let us know if GeekCause sounds like something your team is interested in!