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Organization Profile

Project Return, Inc.


Project Return has served the Nashville community and Middle Tennessee for over three decades in the realm of prisoner re-entry, providing a broad range of assistance to persons transitioning from incarceration to free society. Understanding that the circumstances to which ex-offenders would return may not be conducive to good choices and positive opportunities, Project Return's mission is to provide services and connect people with resources needed to return successfully to work and community after incarceration. Our primary focus in on employment - imparting the support, instruction, and connections that will lead our participants to jobs - because that's the primary predictor for a crime-free, productive life after prison. Our multi-faceted approach includes a job readiness curriculum geared especially to the concerns of the ex-offender, and individualized assistance with resume development, job search, and job retention. With intensive wraparound case management services, we also address the multiple other needs of persons recently released from prison. Each person's return represents a profound opportunity, and we strive to infuse our varied services with Project Return's commitment to every person's humanity and dignity.

Workforce Development
Currently & Formerly Incarcerated
Nashville, TN, 37210

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