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Opportunity Details

Restore the Forest - Invasive Plant Removal (2025) #spring

Do you love conservation? Want to work outdoors to protect the natural ecosystems of Shelby Park and Bottoms? We need you!

Shelby Park and Bottoms is a natural oasis in the heart of the city. The forests here are a refuge for people and wildlife alike. Our Shelby forests need help: they are being overtaken by invasive plant species. Through our Restore the Forest program, we remove invasive species and replant native species to revitalize a healthy forest ecosystem.

What is the community impact of this event?
Healthy forests are beautiful for park visitors, provide food and shelter for wildlife and make our local ecosystem more resilient by promoting and enhancing growth of native plant species.

What will volunteers be doing at this event?
At this event, we will be uprooting and cutting down honeysuckle and privet plants with weed wrenches, loppers, and hand saws. They will work in small groups under the supervision of experienced staff and recurring volunteers that will help teach proper plant identification and safe tool usage.

This event will include hiking while carrying heavy tools over uneven ground, and we will be working off-trail within the woods. Please dress according to the weather. Porta-potties are located a short walk from our worksite, and there should always be ample parking located nearby the worksite.

What to bring?
I recommend bringing your own water bottle and sunscreen. Water, gloves, all necessary tools, and additional water will be provided. Please wear sturdy shoes that are good for gardening (e.g. hiking boots), long socks, and long pants to protect yourselves from sticks and thorns in the forest. If possible, long sleeved shirts can also be helpful for protection, but please dress according to the weather.

What’s next?
If you sign up for this event, you will receive a reminder email a few days before the event with specific instructions regarding parking and any other necessary information.


Founded in 2008, Friends of Shelby is a private, nonprofit organization working to preserve, enhance, and promote Shelby Park and Bottoms for everyone to appreciate and protect. We work to protect the natural and historical integrity of the area by supporting appropriate recreational activities, maintaining and enhancing its features, promoting programs that inspire appreciation and conservation of the Park and Bottoms, and advocating for a level playing field for the various user groups.
Environment & Sustainability

Age Minimum (with Adult): 13+, Minimum Age:16+, Court Ordered Volunteer - Allowed

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  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

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