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Opportunity Details

Landscaping around the Riverview Pavilion #spring

The Riverview Pavilion in Shelby Park is one of the most popular destinations for events, birthday parties, and races, and it's needing a little TLC. Join us for an afternoon of hard work to make it even more beautiful!

What will volunteers be doing at this event?
Volunteers will be removing invasive plant species from along the tree line near the Riverview Pavilion with hand tools. Afterwards, they will help re-plant three medium-sized trees near the newly-cleared area by digging three new holes, transplanting the trees, and filling the old holes back in with dirt.

What is the community impact of this event?
The Riverview Pavilion sees thousands of people each year through Friends of Shelby and community-hosted events, races, and celebrations. Creating a more beautiful area means more people will be attracted to these events, boosting support for multiple community organizations. This will also benefit the view of the Cumberland River, which is a large attraction for people visiting Shelby Park.

This will be a labor-intensive project that will require bending, stooping, and digging in the dirt. We will be working on unpaved, uneven ground with landscaping tools. There is a port-a-potty a short walk from the work site and parking in front of the nearby playground.

What should volunteers bring or wear?
Volunteers should wear closed-toe shoes, long socks, and long pants to protect themselves from the plants and tools. Bringing a reusable water bottle is recommended. Friends of Shelby will provide all of the necessary tools, gloves, safety goggles, and extra water.

What’s next?
Once you sign up, you will receive an email the day before the project with more information on parking, weather, and what to expect.
Founded in 2008, Friends of Shelby is a private, nonprofit organization working to preserve, enhance, and promote Shelby Park and Bottoms for everyone to appreciate and protect. We work to protect the natural and historical integrity of the area by supporting appropriate recreational activities, maintaining and enhancing its features, promoting programs that inspire appreciation and conservation of the Park and Bottoms, and advocating for a level playing field for the various user groups.

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Environment & Sustainability

Age Minimum (with Adult): 14+, Minimum Age:16+, Court Ordered Volunteer - Allowed

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