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Thomas Rhett Fan Volunteer Day - Sort Food at Second Harvest Food Bank
This project is now full.
Hey Thomas Rhett fans! Looking for something to do with your hands? Join Thomas and Big Machine Label Group's Outnumber Hunger initiative for Thomas Rhett's fourth annual CMA Music Fest Fan Volunteer Day at Second Harvest
Food Bank of Middle Tennessee. Sign up to help sort and pack food to help hungry Middle Tennesseans alongside Thomas. Volunteers will be treated to lunch and a special performance before the food sort.
This volunteer opportunity provides a chance to learn more about hunger issues throughout Middle and West Tennessee followed by sorting food for Second Harvest's Emergency Food Box Program. All volunteers must wear closed-toe shoes.
This project is open to volunteers ages 12 and older. All volunteers under the age of 18 are required to bring a signed Volunteer Release Form with them to each project. Volunteers under 18 will be asked to sign a Second Harvest Youth Volunteer Form.
By donating your time, you are helping fight hunger and feed hope!
Hey Thomas Rhett fans! Looking for something to do with your hands? Join Thomas and Big Machine Label Group's Outnumber Hunger initiative for Thomas Rhett's fourth annual CMA Music Fest Fan Volunteer Day at Second Harvest
This volunteer opportunity provides a chance to learn more about hunger issues throughout Middle and West Tennessee followed by sorting food for Second Harvest's Emergency Food Box Program. All volunteers must wear closed-toe shoes.
This project is open to volunteers ages 12 and older. All volunteers under the age of 18 are required to bring a signed Volunteer Release Form with them to each project. Volunteers under 18 will be asked to sign a Second Harvest Youth Volunteer Form.
By donating your time, you are helping fight hunger and feed hope!
Food Insecurity
Age Minimum (with Adult): 12+, Minimum Age:12+
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- Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
- Create a new team to sign up.
Signup Questions
Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity: