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Opportunity Details
La Vergne X-Stream Squad Clean-ups 2023
Do you want to help keep our waterways clean? To help protect our drinking water and the animals that live in our creeks and streams? If so, you would be a great fit for our X-Stream Squad in La Vergne, TN!
We will be working to clean our waterways one section at a time. We will be holding small monthly clean ups every second Saturday of each month. Whether you can make it to one clean up or you want to join us more often, we are happy to have you!
We will provide breakfast, snacks, water, and safety gear. Plus, after your second clean up with the X-Stream Squad you will get a t-shirt to take home with you! The only thing that you will need to bring are water shoes, boots made for water, or waders.
We are excited to see and work with you!
Environment & Sustainability
Age Minimum (with Adult): 10+, Minimum Age:14+
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Sign up with a team
This link allows you to participate in this opportunity with a team. A team can be a family team, corporate team, or any kind of organized group. When you click on the link you will have the option to:
- Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
- Create a new team to sign up.
Signup Questions
Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity: