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Opportunity Details

Nature Play Improvement Projects in Shelby Bottoms #spring

Friends of Shelby is working in collaboration with the Shelby Bottoms Nature Center to improve and expand Nature Play, an unstructured play area where kids can explore nature. Through our 2024 Great Shelby Giveback and generous donations, construction on the large features is nearly complete, meaning it's time to get in there with volunteers to help finish the job! 

What will volunteers be doing at this event?
Volunteers will be spreading gravel, moving large rocks and logs, cleaning up debris and invasive plants, and a few other miscellaneous tasks to get the playground in tip top shape.

What is the community impact of the event?
Nature Play provides an area for children to explore nature through touch, sound, sight, and smell. This exploration is important for their development, and allows them to put what they've learned in school about science into practice in real life.

What should volunteers wear and/or bring?
Volunteers will be working in a partially-damp wetland environment, so everyone must wear closed-toe shoes and clothing they don't mind getting dirty. Bringing a reusable water bottle is recommended. All necessary tools, gloves, safety goggles, and extra water will be provided.

This project will take place along uneven, unpaved dirt and we will be using landscaping tools while bending over. There is ample parking in the Nature Center's parking lot, and there are restrooms located inside of the Nature Center.

What's next?
Once you sign up, you will receive an email the day before the project with more information on parking, weather, what to expect, etc.
Founded in 2008, Friends of Shelby is a private, nonprofit organization working to preserve, enhance, and promote Shelby Park and Bottoms for everyone to appreciate and protect. We work to protect the natural and historical integrity of the area by supporting appropriate recreational activities, maintaining and enhancing its features, promoting programs that inspire appreciation and conservation of the Park and Bottoms, and advocating for a level playing field for the various user groups.

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available. Here is the next available date and time.
Environment & Sustainability

Age Minimum (with Adult): 15+, Minimum Age:16+

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