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Opportunity Details
Shelby Park Trail Maintenance (Fall 2024)
Do you enjoy spending time in nature? What about serving public lands? Join us for both at the same time! Miles upon miles of trails wind through Shelby Park and Bottoms, allowing park visitors to exercise and connect with nature. To maintain this invaluable shared asset, we will venture into the park to provide maintenance for the natural surface trails.
How will volunteers serve at this event?
Volunteers will be transporting and spreading mulch on the primitive trail to smooth areas that fill with water and/or get muddy when it rains. Using shovels, pitchforks, and rakes, we will lay mulch over these areas to make them passable for trail users.
This event will include walking a mile or two while carrying tools and pushing wheelbarrows of mulch down the trail to unload and spread on the trail. Porta-potties are located a short walk from our work site.
What to bring?
I recommend bringing your own water bottle and hat/sunscreen. Please wear long pants and close-toed shoes, as we'll be working in the forest along uneven ground with sharp tools. I will provide all necessary tools, gloves, supplies, and additional water.
What’s next?
If you sign up for this event, you will receive a reminder email a few days before the event with specific instructions regarding parking and any other necessary information.
Any questions? Feel free to send me an email at cd@friendsofshelby.org. We hope to see you out there!
Founded in 2008, Friends of Shelby is a private, nonprofit organization working to preserve, enhance, and promote Shelby Park and Bottoms for everyone to appreciate and protect. We work to protect the natural and historical integrity of the area by supporting appropriate recreational activities, maintaining and enhancing its features, promoting programs that inspire appreciation and conservation of the Park and Bottoms, and advocating for a level playing field for the various user groups.
Age Minimum (with Adult): 14+, Minimum Age:18+, Court Ordered Volunteer - Allowed
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- Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
- Create a new team to sign up.
Signup Questions
Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity: